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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a non-intrusive study (no soil sampling, groundwater sampling, geophysical survey, or other subsurface investigations are conducted) that evaluates the potential presence of contamination on a commercial or industrial property.  A Phase I ESA is designed to assess whether a specific property is likely to be contaminated; and if it is contaminated a Phase II site investigation - the intrusive study - may be recommended to characterize any actual contamination.

The assessment includes an evaluation of past and present uses of the target property, and properties near the site (the ASTM Standard E1527-05 defines specific search distances for specific information sources, within which nearby properties must be included in the ESA).  Information on nearby properties is important because liability may be assigned to the property owners that release hazardous substances which contaminate another site.  Also, contamination that has migrated to the target property from elsewhere may materially affect the target property's value, impair its development potential (or delay the progress of development), or require that the target property's owner incure the cost of remediating this contamination if the owner cannot prove that it did not originate on the target property. 

Because of the potential impact of off-site contaminants migrating onto the subject site, a detailed analysis of topography, geology, and hydrology in the vicinity of the subjects site is also conducted.  In addition, arial photographs, Sanborn Maps, Fire Department Records, and County Records are reviewed to determine if any past uses of the subject property could have created the potential for on-site contamination.  These historical records are combined with a visual site investigation and interview with the site's owner (or owner's representative), as well as, representatives from adjacent properties.

Conducting due diligence enables parties involved in a commercial or industrial property transfer to protect themselves from possible future CERCLA liability by qualifying for the "Innocent Landowner Defense."  Conducting a Phase I ESA according to the ASTM Standard E1527-05 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process" is the most certain means to ensure that a party qualifies for this defense.

Key Benefits

  • Most comprehensive investigation available
  • Most certain means to qualify for the "Innocent Landowner Defense"
  • Most protection from possible future CERCLA liability


The cost of DCI's "ASTM-Phase I" ESA may vary depending type, size, and location of property.  Please contact DCI for pricing specific to your project.

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